Showing posts with label Naturopathy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Naturopathy. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Healthy Living habits

          Healthier Life

According to Maharishi Sushruta,

Healthy Living habits.According to Maharishi Sushruta,

       A person who has equal amounts of vata, pitta and kapha, whose digestive system is balanced, whose seven metals are balanced, whose body excretes waste properly, and whose soul, senses and mind are happy, is called a healthy person.

    In this way, only a healthy person can live a happy life.

   Along with this, to lead a happy life, a person should follow the following rules which are as follows---

 1. One should regularly wake up in Brahma Muhurta which is 1 hour before sunrise.

2. One should develop the habit of drinking water on an empty stomach in the morning which is called Usha Paan. It cures many diseases. Water should always be drunk while sitting and never while standing.

3. After completing the morning routine, one should make it a habit to walk at a fast pace for at least two-three kilometers in the field.

4. Sprouted food should be included in breakfast every morning. This is called Amrita. Because it can be eaten only in sunlight. It contains gram, wheat, peanuts, black gram, fenugreek etc. They should be eaten after chewing them well. After this, milk should be drunk slowly in sips.

 5. Food should be eaten at regular time and food should be chewed well. At least half an hour should be taken to eat.

6. One should not eat without hunger. Salad should be used in large quantity in food. By doing this constipation never occurs.

7. Friends, after eating food, one should always rest on the left side. This helps in proper digestion.

8. Urination should be done after eating food. This will never cause back pain and you will never face stone problem.

9. In between the two meals, one should only eat fruits and juices. One should not eat any heavy food.

10. One must drink at least 3 liters of water throughout the day. Water should always be drunk slowly. Water should not be drunk in between meals. Water should be drunk at least half an hour after meals.

 11. Tea, coffee, cigarette, tobacco, paan, bhang, charas, ganja, sarab, bidi, tobacco etc. should not be consumed. These are poison for health.

12. Any urge of the body like stool, urine, sneeze, burp, flatus etc. should not be stopped.

13. Men should clench their teeth tightly while urinating. They should hold the urine in between and then release it. By doing this, there is no complaint of prostate gland. If there is a complaint, it gets cured to some extent.

14. While sleeping, the head should always be kept towards the south.

15. Bath water should neither be too cold nor too hot. After bathing, the body should be rubbed and wiped with a thick towel.

16. Food should be eaten to stay healthy and not for taste. Only satvik food is the best.

17. One should take sunlight during winter season. Sunlight provides nutrients to the body and keeps the body healthy.

18. One should fast for one day in a week on only lemon water. This will strengthen the digestive power and will also keep the health good.

19. If you are above 50 years of age, you should eat once a day and rest of the time you should survive on milk and fruits.

20. Before sleeping, you should wash and wipe your feet and sleeping while remembering your favorite deity helps in getting good sleep.

21. Dinner should be taken 3 hours before going to bed. Hands and feet should be washed with water before eating. Water should not be drunk at the beginning or at the end of the meal. 

22 One should not drink cold water after eating hot milk or hot food. Doing so weakens the teeth.

23. Banana, milk, curd, buttermilk should never be consumed together. Hot food should not be consumed with honey. Ghee and honey should never be used in equal quantities. Salt, sour fruits, curd, oil, radish etc. should not be consumed with milk.

24. In summers, one should not bathe immediately after coming from the sun. Neither should one wash hands and feet. One can bathe only after taking some rest and the sweat dries up. 

25. Staying up late at night and sleeping till late in the morning is harmful for the eyes and health.

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

First Aid

First Aid for Burn, First Aid for Burn, Snake Bite First Aid.

Friends, today I am going to tell you about such a problem which often happens in a person's life. That is a sudden accident in which the doctor is not immediately available. But the medical treatment which is required immediately at such a time is called First Aid . Let's know about it---

First Aid for Burns

  Sometimes people get caught in fire while cooking or due to some other reason. For which the following treatment is required which everyone should know.

1. If you are caught in fire, you should not run. You should lie down in a safe place and turn from side to side. This extinguishes the fire quickly. The burning body should be cut apart with a knife very carefully.

2. One should try to extinguish the fire by putting soil, blankets etc. on the burning person. The person should be covered with blankets in such a way that the air is cut off. This extinguishes the fire immediately. By putting blankets etc. and extinguishing the fire, the depth of the wound increases and the skin gets burnt deep inside. By putting water and extinguishing, blisters form but the wounds do not become deep. The fire should be extinguished as soon as possible with whatever means are available.

3. Coconut oil should be applied on the burnt area. If blisters have formed due to hot ghee or oil falling on it, then this treatment is sufficient.

4. If a large part of the body is burnt, the person should be taken to a hospital. If a large part of the body is burnt, the chances of survival of the person are less.

5. To protect the burnt area from infection, it should be washed with some antibacterial chemical like soda bicarb solution etc.

6. Cotton sticks to an open wound. Do not try to remove it if it sticks because doing so deepens the wound.

7. Burn wounds should always be kept covered so that flies and mosquitoes do not sit on them and infection does not occur.

8. Do not burst the blisters. Apply coconut oil or butter on them. Do not apply kerosene oil, petrol etc. even by mistake.

9. If a small child accidentally gets burnt by fire, keep the burnt part immersed in water until the burning sensation subsides. Applying pure honey also calms the burning sensation.

10. The burnt person should lie down on a soft and comfortable bed and keep drinking plenty of water. Keep giving nutritious food and keep consoling him mentally that he will recover soon. Water balance should be maintained in the body. For this, keep giving glucose dissolved in water.

Snake Bite First Aid

 दोस्तों हमारी पृथ्वी पर दो प्रकार के सांप पाए जाते हैं नंबर 1 विषहीन , नंबर 2 विषैले। कभी कभी ऐसा भी होता है विषहींन सर्प के काटने पर व्यक्ति घबरा कर मर जाता है। लेकिन यहां पर सर्प की पहचान के लिए हम थोड़ी जानकारी देते हैं। विषैले सर्पो  में नाग और करैत बडे़ खतरनाक होते हैं। क्रोधित होने पर यह फन फैलाकर खड़े हो जाते हैं। इनके ऊपरी जबड़े में विषैले दो  महीन दांत होते हैं । जिनके बीच दूरी आधे से 1 इंच तक होती है। इन दांतों की जड़ में विष ग्रंथियां होती हैं । सर्प जब क्रोधित हो जाता है तो उसका विष सारे शरीर से खींच कर इस ग्रंथियों में और दातों में आ जाता है तथा काटने पर ही विष शरीर में प्रवेश कर जाता है।रोगी नर सर्प के काटने पर ऊपर की ओर देखता है मादा सर्प के काटने पर रोगी नीचे की ओर देखता है ।  विषैले सर्प के काटने पर(.... )के आकार का चिन्ह दिखाई पड़ता है और विषहीन सर्प के काटने पर (U)के आकार का चिन्ह पड़ता है सर्प जितना विषैला होगा लक्षण भी उतने ही तीव्र और शीघ्र उत्पन्न होते हैं। विष के शरीर व्यापी लक्षण 1 घंटे के अंदर अंदर आरंभ हो जाते हैं। ठीक उपचार ना मिलने पर 12 घंटे के अंदर मृत्यु हो जाती है।

सांप के काटने पर व्यक्ति में क्या लक्षण होते हैं आइए देखते हैं

1.    सांप के काटे गए स्थान पर दांत के कांटे के निशान होते हैं कभी-कभी सूजन के कारण निशान मालूम नहीं पड़ते।

2.   रोगी उदासीन नींद में मालूम पड़ता है । ऊपर की पलक नीचे गिरती जाती है । सिर उठाना तथा पैर पर खड़े होना मुश्किल हो जाता है।

3.    कभी-कभी जी मचलाना, मल मूत्र का निकल जाना, पैरों में झनझनाहट, पुतलियां फैल जाना, दृष्टिभृम , पक्षाघात आदि सांप के विष के कारण हो जाता है।

4.   नाडियों पर दुष्प्रभाव से बेहोशी आने लगती है। मांसपेशियां ऐठने लगती हैं।चेहरे ,गले तथा स्वसन संस्थान पर  दम घुटने लगता है। जबड़ा और जीभ सिथिल हो जाते हैं। 

5.  वाइपर प्रजाति के सर्प के काटने से रक्त का थक्का जमने लगता है। रक्त कणों के टूटने से हिमोग्लोबिन प्लाज्मा में आ जाता है। जो विष के उगृ प्रभाव से मुंह, नाक, कान या मूत्र से निकलने लगता है। मस्तिष्क और आतों में रक्तसृआव से मृत्यु हो जाती है ।

  नींद आने पर किसी भी प्रकार के रोगी को सोने नहीं देना चाहिए ।  इसलिए प्राथमिक उपचार के बाद यथाशीघ्र अनुभवी चिकित्सक से चिकित्सा करानी चाहिए ।

          सर्प के काटने पर उपचार

1.    सर्प के कांटे स्थान से ऊपर की ओर 2-- 2 इंच की दूरी के तीन स्थान पर किसी सूती रस्सी से इतनी मजबूती से बांध लेना चाहिए कि निचला हिस्सा रक्तहीन मालूम पड़े।

2.    तेज चाकू से कांटे स्थान पर क्रॉस के रूप में चीरकर अधिक से अधिक ब्लड को दबा दबा कर निकाल दें। मुंह से चूस- चूस कर ब्लड को बाहर निकाल देना चाहिए। मुँह में कोई घाव नहीं होना चाहिए। मसूड़े स्वस्थ होने चाहिए तभी मुंह से चूस -चूस कर  रक्त मिले विश को निकाल देना चाहिए। चीरा लगाने से पहले स्थान को अच्छी तरह धो लें ताकि त्वचा पर पड़ा विश हट जाए।

3.   घाव को पोटेशियम परमैंगनेट के घोल से या गर्म पानी से अच्छी तरह धो लेना चाहिए । घाव में पोटेशियम परमैग्नेट भर देना चाहिए। रोगी को जितना हो सके उतने नीम की पत्ती चबाने को देनी चाहिए । विष के प्रभाव से पति कड़वी नहीं मालूम पड़ती।

4.   सांप के काटे स्थान को हिलाना डुलाना नहीं चाहिए। हिलन डुलने से विष तेजी से फैलता है ।रोगी को चिकित्सा आदि के लिए ले जाना हो तो चलाकर नहीं बल्कि स्ट्रेचर या चारपाई पर लिटाकर ले जाना चाहिए।

    This is a proven method used by many people in case of snake bite. 

  a. Lay the patient on a cot and break a branch from a Peepal tree. Break the leaves from it and keep them aside.

b. Take one leaf in each hand and carefully insert its stem in the patient's ear. As soon as the stem touches the eardrum, the patient will start screaming and try to get up and run away. So hold it tightly. Do not let it move.

c. Ignore his screaming. Be careful while putting the stick in the ear. The leaf should be held firmly. Otherwise, the eardrum may burst. The leaf should be kept in the ear until the patient stops screaming.

d. The leaves should be changed after some time. When all the poison is removed through the leaves, the patient will stop screaming on his own. These leaves should not be thrown here and there, they should be buried in the ground. Because the poison reaches inside the leaves.

Monday, November 4, 2024

Arthritis Causes Symptoms and Naturopathy Yoga Treatment


Arthritis Causes Symptoms and Naturopathy, Yoga Treatment, Arthritis Causes, Arthritis Symptoms, Naturopathy Treatment, Yoga Treatment, Food Therapy.

   Friends, joint pain is called by many names like arthritis, rheumatism, rheumatism, arthritis, gout etc. This disease occurs more in winters. In this disease, there is severe pain in heels, fingers, arms, knees, ankles etc. This disease occurs more in old age. There is a permanent cure for arthritis in naturopathy and yoga which is as follows---

Arthritis Causes

         Vata nature of the body, accumulation of foreign matter in the body, eating too much fried food, overeating, lack of exercise, eating too much spicy food, and using too much white things, staying wet in water most of the time, dirty teeth, worry, fear, grief, unrest etc. in the mind, are the main causes of this disease.

 Arthritis Symptoms Arthritis Symptoms

   You can't sit down cross-legged.

 Knee pain is very bothersome.

Knots are formed in the joints, due to which it is called arthritis. The body parts become crooked.

Acidity increases in the body. Fever and pain increase if it persists. There is more severe pain in the legs.

 Foul-smelling sweat comes out. There is excessive thirst. Sometimes headache also starts.

There is stiffness in the waist, neck, hands and legs. The stiffness increases as soon as one wakes up in the morning. These are the main symptoms of arthritis.

 Naturopathy Treatment Natural Treatment

          Enema of lukewarm water should be given daily.

 After massaging the body with oil twice a week, one should rub it with mud and then take a bath. One should take sunbath for some time every day. 

   The entire body should be wrapped in a wet sheet two days a week.

    Steam bath should be taken 2 days in a week and mud bath should be taken 2 days in a week.

     A mud bandage should be placed on the pelvis both times daily.

 One should take a bath once daily. 

    Vomiting should be done with plain water once a week.

Once daily, steam the affected area and then wrap the painful area with a cold cotton cloth.

In case of excessive swelling, a bandage soaked in ice cold water should be applied. This reduces the swelling.

      Before sleeping at night, a cold bandage should be tied on the painful area with ice cold water.

 Yoga Treatment

Subtle exercises, Vajrasana, Shashank Asana, Mandukasana, Uttanpadasana, Naukasana, Dhanurasana, Katichkrasana, Paschimottanasana, Pawanmuktasana, Janusirasana etc. should be practiced. Along with this, Anulom-Vilom, Suryabhedi Pranayam and Bhastrika Pranayam should also be practiced in the morning.

 Food Therapy

      First of all, one should fast for a week on lemon, water and honey. Those who do not like lemon can fast only on water and honey.

      You should consume juices for a week. You can consume green juice, seasonal juice, coconut water etc. You should drink juices 4 to 6 times a day. You should only consume water for one day in a week. 

     In the third week, one should eat fruit salad, green vegetables and sprouted grains four times a day.

    In the fourth week, you should take salad, fruits, soup etc. four times in three days. After this, you should take boiled vegetables, roti, rice, salad with light salt and sprouted grains for three days. After this, go back to normal food. You will definitely get relief from joint pain. At night also, eat four spoons of sprouted fenugreek seeds with tea.

For arthritis pain, take a mixture of tomato, carrot, potato, onion, garlic, fenugreek, ginger, honey, basil leaves, black pepper and cow ghee.


Do not consume tea, sugar, egg, fish, pulses, fried spices, stale food and intoxicants.

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Low Rate and High Rate Naturopathy Hospital in India

Friends, in present times, due to irregular eating habits and irregular diet, people are becoming victims of various types of diseases. In present times, it has become very difficult for a person to remove diseases from the body permanently. On one hand, people are getting trapped in the clutches of allopathic treatment. On the other hand, due to allopathic treatment, one disease goes away and two diseases develop.

Low Rate and High Rate Naturopathy Hospital in India, Low Rate Naturopathy Hospital in India, Government Naturopathy and Yoga Hospital in India.

The real cause of diseases is the accumulation of waste material in the body. These waste materials are not able to get out of the body. To remove these, it has become necessary to resort to naturopathy in the present times. This removes diseases from the root.

All types of people are found in India, rich, poor and middle class. They need treatment according to their needs. There are different types of hospitals for naturopathy. Some hospitals are for the poor, some for the rich and some are government hospitals. In which a person can get treatment according to his convenience.

      Low Rate Naturopathy Hospital in India

  Middle class people can get their treatment done in cheap naturopathy hospitals. There are many cheap hospitals in India, some of which are as follows-----

     1 Jeevan Nirman Naturopathy Center Burj Pachli, Meerut Uttar Pradesh 

       2 Ananda Naturopathy Centre 

                  Nakatiya, Bareilly Uttar Pradesh   

       3 Naturopathy Centres

             Jhinjhana Road Shamli Uttar Pradesh   

      4 Naturopathy Ashram Uruli Kanchan

                   Pune Maharashtra  

       5 Naturopathy Hospital Diamond Harbour Road Vishnupur 24 Parganas Kolkata West Bengal

       6 Naturopathy and Yoga Healing Centers

                Bassi Jaipur Rajasthan

        7 Sanatana Dharma Naturopathy Hospital 

             Jagadhri Road Ambala Cantonment Haryana

         8 Aditya Yoga Naturopathy Research Center 

              Kichha Rudrapur Uttarakhand

        9. Kayakalp Ashram 

      Dumdum Road Sohna Haryana

       10 Naturopathy Temple 

 Municipal Council Bori Darwaza Tikamgarh Madhya Pradesh

      11 Naturopathy Centres 

    54 Narmada Road Khari Ghat Jabalpur 

      12 Naturopathy Centres 

            Ranipatara Purnia Bihar

      13 Maharishi Dayanand Seva Dham Trust

        Naturopathy Centre 7a, Faridabad

     14 Maharishi Dayanand Yoga and Naturopathy Center, Ramghat Road, Aligarh

      15 Shanti Prakash Goenka Rejuvenation and Research Center Malasar Road Tara Kunj, Laxmangarh, District Sikar Rajasthan


         High Rate Naturopathy Hospital in India

Friends, some expensive hospitals equipped with various types of facilities for rich people are as follows ---

 1 Patanjali Wellness Patanjali Yogpeeth 

      Bahadrabad Haridwar Uttarakhand 

2 Patanjali Wellness Yoggram 

   Roshnabad Haridwar Uttarakhand

3 Patanjali Balance Niramayam 

Aurangabad Haridwar Uttarakhand

4 Ayurgram Wellness And Naturopathy Hospital

 Rampur Uttar Pradesh 

5 Patanjali Wellness Baldev Agarwal Naturopathy Center

 Moradabad Uttar Pradesh 

 6 Patanjali Wellness Vedalife Pokhari 

          Rishikesh Uttarakhand 

7 Patanjali Wellness Sikri Kalan 

     Modi Nagar, Uttar Pradesh

8 Patanjali Wellness Swami Parmanand Naturopathy Yoga and Research Center 

            West Vinod Nagar New Delhi

9 Patanjali Wellness Sampurna Arogyaam

   Panipat Haryana 

10. Patanjali Wellness Self Realisation 

      Pune Maharashtra

11 Patanjali Wellness VA Munshi Nature Cure

 Anand Gujarat 

12 Patanjali Wellness Niramay Ayurveda

 Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh

13 Dimna Wellness Center 

Jamshedpur Jharkhand 

14 Patanjali Wellness Viroga 

   Sector 11D Faridabad

15 Patanjali Wellness Life Development Center

     Pune Maharashtra


      Government Naturopathy and Yoga Hospital in India

Friends, the government naturopathy yoga hospital for poor people is like this---

1 Central Council for Research in Yoga and Naturopathy, Janakpuri, New Delhi

2 Naturopathy Centres

   Sector 19 Rohini Outer Ring Road Delhi

3 Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga 

     Ashok Road, Gol Dakkhana, New Delhi

4 National Institute of Naturopathy 

     Pune Maharashtra

5 Healthcare and Yoga Naturopathy Department Government Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Patiala Punjab

6 Saint Hirdaram Natural and Yoga College Bairagarh Bhopal Madhya Pradesh

7 SMA Ayush Medical College of Naturopathy Yogic Science and Hospital Bhopal Madhya Pradesh

8 Priya Pitambara Naturopathy and Yoga Science College, Datia

9 PBGM Medical College Naturopathy Yogic Science & Hospital Bhopal Madhya Pradesh

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Father of Naturopathy Vincenz Preisnitz

Father of Naturopathy Vincenz Preisnitz, Treatment Procedure of Preisnitz,Preisnitz Ke Virodhi, Success Story of Preisnitz,Death of Preisnitz.

Friends, naturopathy has been in use in the world for a long time. Great people from different countries have contributed to it. But still if Vincenz Preisnitz is called the father of naturopathy, then it will not be an exaggeration. Because only after him the movement of naturopathy started. Which gradually spread all over the world.

Born in Vincenz Preisnitz

     He was born on 4 October 1799 in a farmer's family in Grafenworg, Austrian Silesia. He is considered the father of the naturopathy system because he completed the research work on cold water started by Hippocrates about 2300 years ago in his time. After this, the movement of naturopathy system started. 

     He was the one who started hydropathy. His main focus was hydropathy technique. Due to his efforts on hydropathy, various techniques started being used by different types of doctors in Europe and America in the 18th century. It was due to his efforts that naturopathy got a new lease of life.

Treatment Procedure of Vincenz Preisnitz

Prinsnij used to give more emphasis on vegetarian food without salt and pepper and fruits and vegetables. He used to treat many diseases by tying bandages on the patient and wrapping him in a blanket. There was a rapid change in the body temperature and the patient used to sweat. Due to this the pores used to open and the impurities inside used to come out. He used to emphasize on exercise as well. He also included fasting in his treatment.

Opponents of Vincenz Preisnitz

     Despite his good work and natural treatment, he had to face his opponents. The local doctors did not accept the spa bath and accused him of being a fraud. He had to go to court many times but was acquitted. In 1838, water spa was approved. Even then, the opponents kept increasing because they started calling his food tasteless and unhealthy.

Success Story of Vincenz Preisnitz

   After 1845 AD, 1500 patients and 120 doctors, emperors, princes etc. came to try his treatment and praised him.

   Also in 1845, he welcomed the visit of Duke Franz Karl. He was greeted with a speech praising his medical methods. For which he was awarded a medal by the Emperor in 1846. Some patients honored him by building a spa monument in the town. Also famous guests were Nikolai Gogol who visited the spa twice.

    In 1842 RT Claridge published the book Cold Water Cure, Its Principles, Theory and Practical which describes Preisnitz's treatments. Claridge had personally observed the process and effects of these treatments. That is why he wrote this book.

Death of Vincenz Preisnitz

    He died in 1851 due to cold. His friends told that when he woke up in the morning, he asked to warm himself by the fire and complained of ascites in his chest. But he refused to go to any doctor and did not take any medicine. He was asked to go to bed at 4:00 in the evening and he died as soon as he lay down.

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Benefits of Therapeutic Massage Vs DeepTissue Massage


Benefits of Therapeutic Massage Vs Deep Tissue Massage. Types of Therapeutic Massage .Deep Tissue Massage Side effects. Massage Chair Benefits.

Friends, massage has a lot of importance in our life. Massage is mainly used in the winter season. Because in the winter season the amount of lubrication inside the body decreases. Dryness occurs. To remove this, different types of massage are used. In which different types of oils are used.

 Mainly two types of massage are most commonly used.

1 Therapeutic Massage

2. Deep Tissue Massage

therapeutic massage

Friends, as the name suggests, therapeutic massage means curing various types of diseases of the body. Therapeutic massage is very beneficial in winter season. Various types of diseases of the body are cured by it. Mental stress of a person is relieved. It can be used without any second thoughts under the supervision of a qualified doctor along with other treatments in any type of physical, mental diseases. Because therapeutic massage is beneficial in all diseases.

Benefits of therapeutic massage

Although therapeutic massage works for all diseases, it mainly helps in relieving mental stress, tension in physical muscles and provides relief from muscle pain. It improves blood circulation and brings flexibility in muscles and bones. It refreshes the human mind and infuses vitality in the body.

Types of Therapeutic Massage

Mainly Therapeutic Massages are of the following types -

Deep Tissue Massage 

neuromuscular massage

Sports Massage

Swedish Massage

Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage is a type of amazing massage. It helps in reducing the pain in the muscles after exercising. It is extremely beneficial. Its effect goes deep into the muscles. In which a lot of pressure is applied. Pressure is applied through fingers and palms. It usually gives great relief in back, neck, shoulder and hip pain. It is also used to relieve pain and stress of various types of injuries. If there is any kind of mental stress and tension and strain in the muscles, then that also goes away through it. It should be done for at least 1 hour only then good benefits are obtained.

Benefits of Deep Tissue Massage

Friends, the deep massage done in the muscles relieves the pain easily. Through this, the pain in the joints of the bones of the body and the jammed joints are opened. It removes the pain even in the bones. That is why it is very beneficial.

Through this, hormones like dopamine and serotonin endorphins are released from the brain. These make the mind happy and relax the body and relieve mental stress.

The release of serotonin also helps you sleep better

Deep Tissue Massage Side effects

Many people also get harmed by this type of massage. This is a good question because the effect of deep tissue massage is different for every person. The ability of muscles to bear pressure is different.

If any bone in the body is broken or injured, then in such a situation, massage should not be done with pressure on the deep muscles.

This type of massage with excessive pressure cannot be done on pregnant women also.

Even older people cannot tolerate this type of massage, so it is better to do it with ease. It can also be harmful for small children.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Lung Cancer Symptoms and Naturopathy Treatment

Lung Cancer: causes ,Symptoms and Naturopathy Treatment. Causes of Lung cancer. Stages of Lung Cancer. Naturopathy Treatment of lungs cancer.

My dear Friends, lung cancer is spreading very fast. If we talk about the world, then it is most prevalent in America. It has become a common thing in America. After this comes the name of breast cancer in women and prostatic cancer in men.

Causes of Lung Cancer  

Friends, if we talk about its causes, then the biggest reason for cancer is smoking.
 The use of tobacco leads to the accumulation of waste material inside the lungs. The normal capacity of the lungs is destroyed. Phlegm starts forming. Due to which the body is not able to get oxygen completely. Due to lack of oxygen in the body, the amount of blood also starts decreasing. In case of lung cancer, smoking should be avoided and natural simple food and vegetarian food, the amount of fruits, greens, vegetables, fiber should be increased. So that the toxins start coming out of the body and the waste material does not get collected in the body.

Symptoms of Lung Cancer

There are no symptoms in the initial stages of cancer. But gradually as it grows, symptoms like chest pain, excessive mucus formation, fatigue and weakness in the body, shortness of breath, wheezing while breathing, loss of appetite, cracking of voice, continuous loss of body weight, etc. appear.

Lung Cancer Stages

Stage 1  

Symptoms of cancer are not visible in this stage. But cancer occurs in the inner part of the lungs. It is not visible in the outer part. Which is in the upper layer of the bronchus.

Stage 2

In the second stage of cancer, the cancer is larger than in the first stage. There may be more than one tumor within the same lobe.

Stage 3

Stage 3 cancer is larger than stage 2. There is more than one tumor in adjacent remains or DNA.

Stage 4 

Stage 4 cancer has spread to the fluid surrounding the heart or to distant lesions.

Naturopathy Treatment of Lung Cancer 

If cancer is detected in the first stage, it can be controlled by chemotherapy and some allopathic medicines. But when the disease becomes incurable and does not go away and assumes a more severe form, then cancer can be controlled by changing one's lifestyle and taking the help of naturopathy along with various types of yoga exercises. The body starts recovering slowly. There is a need for a qualified trainer and qualified naturopathy who can eradicate cancer from its roots.

Friends, in present times, naturopathy is capable of curing many types of diseases including diseases like cancer.
 In this, along with local treatment of the lungs, cancer is removed by taking help of various treatments like mud, water, steam, massage, sunlight etc. to remove various types of waste materials from the body.

When a person gets sick, that too cancer, then the first thing he should do is give up fried spicy food. Along with this, grains, rice, wheat and all kinds of pulses should be given up.
 Because these put stress on the liver, these substances must be given up for the liver to function properly.

 For this, you will have to get admitted to a naturopathy hospital. Which will cure you soon. Along with all this, the quantity of fruits and vegetables should be increased in the diet. Air-rich food should be avoided. For example, cabbage, protein-rich food, meat should be avoided and vegetarian food should be adopted.

 The quantity of fruits and vegetables should be increased and along with this weekly fasting should be done.

If long term fasting is done under the supervision of a qualified doctor then cancer will go away

Friends, soil has the ability to absorb many types of waste materials. It absorbs various toxins present in the body.

When the stool in the stomach is removed through enema treatment, the burden of waste material in the body is reduced. Due to which the body starts getting purified. The body temperature also starts decreasing. The body temperature keeps increasing due to waste material. Which can be controlled through enema.

By giving steam to the lungs, the waste material is removed. Which comes out of the body in the form of sweat. When the toxins in the body start decreasing, the functioning of the lungs starts improving automatically.

Massaging the chest with some warm oil strengthens the lungs. Along with this, if sun ray therapy is also used then the benefits are obtained quickly.

You should drink more water and mostly use lukewarm water, which is very beneficial. Along with this, you should do exercise and some light yoga exercises which exercise the lungs. You should practice good deeds like Kapalbhati, Pranayama etc. under the supervision of a qualified doctor.
 Even a small mistake or error can result in loss.

Monday, October 21, 2024

Food as medicine and quote


Friends, welcome to our blog. Today I am going to tell you, how can we use food as medicine? Let's know everything in detail.

Food as medicine and quote, let food be thy medicine, food as medicine program, food as medicine recipes.

Food as medicine Food as medicine

Both food and medicine are very important for your health. Food provides you with energy and nutrition that helps keep your body healthy, while medicine helps you fight diseases. 

The usefulness and nutrition of food varies according to beliefs. Most food items like fruits, vegetables, cereals, milk, pulses etc. are extremely useful for your health. Because they  contain  all the nutrients like protein, vitamins, mineral salts, carbohydrates etc.

If  we talk about medicines, it is prescribed on the basis of your disease and its cause. Most of the medicines are used to cure the disease, but one should consult a doctor before taking them.

Nutrition of foods

Food contains various nutrients that play an important role in the growth and structure of our body -- 

1. Carbohydrates :

These are the main sources of energy for our body. Rice, roti, flour, pulses etc. are rich sources of carbohydrates. 

2. Protein :

Proteins are very important for the building of our body. Meat, milk, eggs etc. are rich sources of proteins. 

3. Vitamins :

Vitamins are essential for the normal health and growth of our body. Fruits, vegetables, nuts and other foods are sources of various vitamins. 

4. Minerals :

Minerals are essential for the general health and growth of our body. Such as iron, calcium, zinc etc. Cereals, meat, vegetables etc. are rich sources of minerals. 

All these elements are present in a healthy diet and help in keeping our body healthy and fit.

Food is medicine quotes Some examples of food as medicine

If you want to know the meaning of food and medicine then these are two different subjects. Food is a diet that we eat so that our body gets energy and we stay healthy. On the other hand, medicine is a drug that we use to cure or prevent diseases.

However, there are some foods that you can use as medicine. Some examples of them are--

1. Milk

Milk contains calcium and vitamin D which are very beneficial for bones. Therefore, milk is also used to give to children and young people or to recover from problems like osteoporosis. 

2. Turmeric

Turmeric has certain properties that are called "antioxidant" in English. Apart from this, turmeric is rich in anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, so it is used to prevent different types of pain and infections. 

3. Dry fruits

Various types of dry fruits such as almonds, walnuts and raisins are generally rich in most of the vitamins and minerals. They are commonly used as energy boosters. 

These are some foods that you can use as medicine. However, it is advisable to consult a doctor first if you are facing any problem.

Food as medicine program Food as medicine program

A food-as-medicine program is a program designed to promote optimal health and wellness through a nutrient-rich diet. The program generally focuses on using whole, natural foods to nourish the body and support its natural healing processes.

In this type of program, participants are taught about the nutritional value of different foods and how they can be combined to create balanced meals. They are also given strategies for incorporating healthy foods into their daily routines and making healthy choices when eating out.

Many food-as-medicine programs also include cooking classes, where participants learn how to prepare healthy meals using fresh, whole ingredients. These classes may cover topics such as meal planning, food safety, and cooking techniques.

Along with nutrients, water also has an important place in our food. Because all nutrients dissolve in water and enter the human blood. Gangajal is the best among all types of water, if taken from the right place.

Overall, the goal of the Food as Medicine program is to empower participants to take control of their health through a balanced, nutrient-rich diet. By focusing on whole, natural foods, the program aims to promote optimal health and prevent chronic disease.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Increase Immunity

What is Immunity

Increase Immunity , Causes of Weak Immunity, Increase Immunity by Ayurveda,Increase Immunity by Naturopathy,Increase Immunity by Yoga.

       Friends, today we are going to tell you about immunity. It is the body's ability to fight diseases. Most of the diseases in the body are caused by a weak immune system. The person who has a strong immunity, germs cannot harm his body. Because the body's immunity kills those germs. The changes in the weather, the germs attack humans from time to time. Our immunity protects us from them. If it is weak, then the person keeps getting cold, cough, fever etc. again and again.

Causes of Weak Immunity

Not exercising regularly.

 Prolonged stay in a polluted environment.

 Unnecessary accumulation of fat in the body.

 Losing too much weight, consuming too much fast food, junk food etc.

The body is not getting proper nutrition.

 To become addicted to drugs.

 Consuming painkillers, antibiotics, etc. for a long time.

 Being under stress for a long time.

 Sleeping less for a long period of time or staying up late unnecessarily.

The immune system generally weakens during childhood and old age.

Due to bad lifestyle, immunity becomes weak even in youth.

 Due to improper diet of a pregnant woman, she becomes a victim of malnutrition. Due to which immunity becomes weak.

 If you consume too much sugar then it is harmful for your immunity. If you consume 100 grams or more of sugar then the germ killing capacity of WBC in your blood gets weakened for up to 5 hours. This has been found in research.

 Immunity also gets weakened by drinking less water because by drinking less water, more foreign substances get accumulated in the body.

How to Increase Immunity by Ayurveda

Taking 10 to 20 ml of fresh Giloy juice in the morning on an empty stomach increases the immunity of the body or licking 5 grams of Giloy powder with honey increases immunity.

   Grind all three ashwagandha, vidhara and white musli into powder and keep it in a closed bottle. Taking one spoon of this with milk in the morning and evening gives strength to the body and increases the immunity of the body.

 By regularly consuming one spoon of Triphala powder with warm water at bedtime, the body's immunity power increases and the stool of the stomach gets cleared properly.

Ways to increase immunity through naturopathy 

  The ability to fight diseases will be strong only when the amount of vitamins and mineral salts in food is high. For this, carrots, spinach, beetroot, tomato, cauliflower, orange, papaya, almonds, milk, curd, whey etc. should be consumed more.


  The antioxidant properties present in cinnamon prevent blood clotting and help prevent the growth of harmful bacteria. Cinnamon also controls the body's blood sugar and cholesterol.


   Figs are full of potassium, magnesium and antioxidant elements. It maintains the pH level of the blood. The fiber present in it helps in controlling the blood sugar level. It also increases the immunity of the body.


 Mushrooms also contribute to increasing the body's immunity. It strengthens the body's immunity system by increasing the functions of white blood cells. Mushrooms also give the body the power to fight cancer.


  Garlic plays an important role in foods that increase our immunity. Garlic is rich in antioxidants. Which helps our body to fight many types of diseases. Apart from this, garlic contains an element called allicin. Which gives the body the power to fight many types of infections and bacteria.



          Flaxseed is a very good immunity booster for our body. It has many properties to maintain the body. Omega 3 is not produced in our body on its own. It is consumed from food and other substances. Apart from this, flaxseed is a good source of omega 3 fatty acids for vegetarian people.


 Water is a natural medicine. By consuming it in abundance, the toxins accumulated in the body keep coming out and the body's immunity increases. Water should either be at normal temperature or slightly warm. Refrigerated water should not be consumed.

                   Sprouted grains

    Sprouted grains like moong, chana, moth etc. and soaked pulses should be consumed in abundance. Sprouting grains increases the potency of nutrients present in them. They become easy to digest, nutritious and tasty. Due to which the immunity power increases.

                      Cereals with bran

   Grains like wheat, jowar, bajra, maize should be consumed with bran. This prevents constipation and keeps the health good. This increases the immunity.


    Apart from having religious importance, Tulsi is also an antibiotic and a pain reliever. Tulsi helps in increasing immunity. Consuming 3 to 5 Tulsi leaves every morning maintains immunity in the body. 


     Giloy is also called Amrita. Consuming 4-5 inches of Giloy's stem increases the immunity of the body. Giloy is a patented medicine for fever. Even chronic fever is cured by consuming Giloy. Therefore, consuming Giloy is extremely beneficial. Because it removes weakness of the body and gives strength to the body.


If the stomach is not clean, sometimes you can take an enema to clean the stomach. Proper bowel movement on the stomach maintains immunity in the body.

                        Clay bar

If there is a complaint of constipation,  indigestion, diarrhea etc. then placing a mud bandage on the stomach is beneficial. This mud bandage can be kept for half an hour to 45 minutes. If this practice is done regularly then there is proper benefit. The mud should be clean and pure.

                      hip bath

      One should sit in a tub of cold water for 20 minutes on an empty stomach. Only the middle part of the body i.e. the waist area should be immersed in water. It is good to do this in the morning. Doing this gives strength to the stomach and increases the immunity of the body.

How to Increase Immunity by Yoga


             By doing asanas, fear comes inside the body and the body gets strength due to which the immunity of the body increases. Some asanas to increase the immunity of the body are Siddhasana, Padmasana, Vajrasana, Shavasana Sarvangasana, Shirshasana etc.

All these types of asanas should be practiced in the morning after defecation. There should be open air and calm environment.


         Pranayama should also be practiced in the open air in a clean environment after defecation in the morning. In the practice of pranayama, mainly Kapalabhati and Nadi Shodhan Pranayama should be practiced. Doing this increases immunity in the body and gives strength to the body.


There are different types of mudras. Practicing mudras increases immunity in the body and gives strength to the body. All the yoga exercises should be done in the morning after defecation. By doing this the mind does not get agitated and mudras show good effects.

    Among the mudras, one should practice Khechari Mudra, Maha Mudra and Prana Mudra. These three types of mudras increase the immunity of the body.


       Meditation stops the dispersion of mental power, due to which power gets accumulated in the body, the accumulation of power in the body increases the resistance to diseases. Kundalini meditation, Tratak meditation etc can be practised in meditation exercises.

     All these exercises should be done in the morning after defecation. If the meditation exercises are done during the twilight period, i.e., the time between day and night when day and night meet, then more success is achieved.

Viparita Karani VS Sarvangasana

Viparita Karani VS Sarvangasana My dear friends today I told you about difference between Viparita Karani Mudra and Sarvangasana. Procedure ...