Friends, joint pain is called by many names like arthritis, rheumatism, rheumatism, arthritis, gout etc. This disease occurs more in winters. In this disease, there is severe pain in heels, fingers, arms, knees, ankles etc. This disease occurs more in old age. There is a permanent cure for arthritis in naturopathy and yoga which is as follows---
Arthritis Causes
Vata nature of the body, accumulation of foreign matter in the body, eating too much fried food, overeating, lack of exercise, eating too much spicy food, and using too much white things, staying wet in water most of the time, dirty teeth, worry, fear, grief, unrest etc. in the mind, are the main causes of this disease.
Arthritis Symptoms Arthritis Symptoms
You can't sit down cross-legged.
Knee pain is very bothersome.
Knots are formed in the joints, due to which it is called arthritis. The body parts become crooked.
Acidity increases in the body. Fever and pain increase if it persists. There is more severe pain in the legs.
Foul-smelling sweat comes out. There is excessive thirst. Sometimes headache also starts.
There is stiffness in the waist, neck, hands and legs. The stiffness increases as soon as one wakes up in the morning. These are the main symptoms of arthritis.
Naturopathy Treatment Natural Treatment
Enema of lukewarm water should be given daily.
After massaging the body with oil twice a week, one should rub it with mud and then take a bath. One should take sunbath for some time every day.
The entire body should be wrapped in a wet sheet two days a week.
Steam bath should be taken 2 days in a week and mud bath should be taken 2 days in a week.
A mud bandage should be placed on the pelvis both times daily.
One should take a bath once daily.
Vomiting should be done with plain water once a week.
Once daily, steam the affected area and then wrap the painful area with a cold cotton cloth.
In case of excessive swelling, a bandage soaked in ice cold water should be applied. This reduces the swelling.
Before sleeping at night, a cold bandage should be tied on the painful area with ice cold water.
Yoga Treatment
Subtle exercises, Vajrasana, Shashank Asana, Mandukasana, Uttanpadasana, Naukasana, Dhanurasana, Katichkrasana, Paschimottanasana, Pawanmuktasana, Janusirasana etc. should be practiced. Along with this, Anulom-Vilom, Suryabhedi Pranayam and Bhastrika Pranayam should also be practiced in the morning.
Food Therapy
First of all, one should fast for a week on lemon, water and honey. Those who do not like lemon can fast only on water and honey.
You should consume juices for a week. You can consume green juice, seasonal juice, coconut water etc. You should drink juices 4 to 6 times a day. You should only consume water for one day in a week.
In the third week, one should eat fruit salad, green vegetables and sprouted grains four times a day.
In the fourth week, you should take salad, fruits, soup etc. four times in three days. After this, you should take boiled vegetables, roti, rice, salad with light salt and sprouted grains for three days. After this, go back to normal food. You will definitely get relief from joint pain. At night also, eat four spoons of sprouted fenugreek seeds with tea.
For arthritis pain, take a mixture of tomato, carrot, potato, onion, garlic, fenugreek, ginger, honey, basil leaves, black pepper and cow ghee.
Do not consume tea, sugar, egg, fish, pulses, fried spices, stale food and intoxicants.