Monday, October 14, 2024

Asthma Causes, Symptoms and Naturopathy treatment

 Causes of Asthma

Friends, some major causes of asthma are---

1. Allergies

 The allergic reaction can cause the lungs to swell and contract, causing asthma symptoms. Common allergens are dust, pollen, animal hair, black cat saliva, and mold.

Asthma Causes , symptoms and Naturopathy treatment.Avoid in Asthma. Symptoms of asthma. Causes of asthma. Naturopathy treatment of asthma.

2. Air pollution

 Air pollutants such as smoke, particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides can cause inflammation and contraction of the lungs.

3. Home stimulants

 Dust, household smoke, fine sand, fungi and insects can trigger an asthma attack.

4. Physical activity

Changes in the physical breathing environment can cause inflammation and contraction of the lungs.

5. Infection

A viral or bacterial lung infection may trigger a deterioration in the condition of asthma.

6. Stress

 Stress and emotional depression can worsen asthma symptoms.

7. Chemical substances

 Certain medicines, chemicals and irritants can trigger asthma.

Asthma can be managed by identifying these causes and treating them appropriately.

Symptoms of Asthma  

Some of the main symptoms of asthma are---

1. Difficulty in breathing (dyspnea) 

 This is the most common symptom. During asthma, breathing becomes difficult, especially while breathing.

2. Feeling of tightness in the chest 

 The patient feels as if there is some tightness on his chest.

3. Bad Breath

The patient may breathe with a wheezing or whistling sound.

4. Cough 

 During asthma the patient coughs continuously, especially at night.

5. Chest pain or burning 

During asthma, the patient may feel burning sensation or pain in the chest.

6. Fatigue 

Due to difficulty in breathing during asthma, the patient often feels tired.

7. Sore throat 

In asthma, the patient's throat becomes sore and he may have difficulty in speaking.

The severity of these symptoms varies over time and medications that provide comfort to the patient help control these symptoms.

 Naturopathy treatment of Asthma 

The following methods can be effective in natural treatment of asthma---

1. Pranayama and yoga

Regularly practicing pranayama and yoga improves the breathing process and increases the capacity of the lungs. This reduces the symptoms of asthma.

2. Herbal medicines

Consuming some herbal medicines like basil, anise and ginger can help reduce asthma symptoms.

3. Aerobic exercise

Regular aerobic exercise increases lung capacity and makes breathing easier.

4. Food changes

Some foods such as milk, meat and eggs can increase asthma symptoms. Staying away from these things can be beneficial.

5. Acupressure and acupuncture

These therapies reduce asthma symptoms and create balance in the body.

6. Meditation and balanced lifestyle

Stress management and relaxation can help relieve asthma symptoms.

These natural remedies should be adopted on the advice of a doctor. Also, it is important to consult a doctor before taking any medicine.

Avoid in Asthma

There are some important precautions for people with asthma that can help them control their symptoms. Here are some tips---

1. Stay away from dust and spider-borne substances

Keeping the house and workplace clean, keeping less carpet in the bedroom, staying away from things that accumulate dust, etc.

2. Stay away from smoking

 Tobacco smoke and other people's smoking can aggravate asthma, so it is important to avoid this.

3. Use of exercise and post-exercise drugs

Moderate exercise reduces asthma symptoms, but it is important to take medications before and after exercise.

4. Avoid stress

 Stress can worsen asthma symptoms, so it's important to take measures to reduce stress.

5. Avoid chemicals, fragrances and pollutants

These things can make the symptoms worse, so they should be avoided.

6. Monitor Your Asthma Control

 Keep track of your asthma symptoms, including when they occur, how long they last, and how severe they are. Work with your healthcare provider to determine the best asthma management plan for you.

7. Use Your Medications as Directed

 Adhere to the medication regimen prescribed by your healthcare provider, including inhalers and preventers. Make sure to dry your inhaler regularly and have a spare inhaler if your regular one runs out.

8. Avoid known triggers

 Identify your asthma triggers and avoid them as much as possible. Common triggers include tobacco smoke, dust mites, mold, pet dander, air pollution, and respiratory infections. Use allergy shots to reduce sensitivity to allergic asthma triggers if recommended by your healthcare provider.

9. Stay Up To Date On Vaccinations

 Get vaccinated against diseases such as the flu and pneumococcal (pneumonia) to prevent infections.

10. Exercise Safely

 Pace your physical activity, especially during exercise on cold and dry days. Warm up and cool down slowly to prevent sudden breathing difficulties. 

11. Wear a Mask

 When in heavily polluted areas, use a mask to help filter out allergens.

12. Remove Asthma Triggers from the Home

 Use allergen-free bedding, wash your bed sheets in hot water, use an air purifier, and use cleaning products without fragrances or strong odors.

13. Notify Your Healthcare Provider

 If you have new or worsening symptoms, or if you need to make any changes to your treatment plan, seek advice from your healthcare provider.

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