Thursday, October 31, 2024

Reiki Therapy or Reiki healing means and uses

 Reiki Therapy Reiki Therapy

     Friends, I don't know whether you all are familiar with Reiki therapy or not. But I will tell you that Reiki therapy is such a therapy in which no instrument is required. The patient is cured only by the touch of the hands. The hands get such power by which the disease is cured and the life energy flows into the body of the patient through the hands. This is a type of spiritual energy which can be obtained by a person through special types of sadhanas and fasting.
Meaning of Reiki healing and reiki therapy. Principles of Reiki healing. Uses of Reiki healing

The meaning of Reiki

Friends, the word Re means divine creation i.e. universe and Ki means life energy.
 That is, Reiki means the life energy of the universe
     In Reiki treatment, the Reiki master collects this life energy within himself. After collecting the energy, he channels it into the body of the patient, which cures the patient.

Benefits of Reiki healing Benefits of Reiki healing

       Friends, this method of treatment is simple and convenient. It is cheap and without side effects. It does not have any adverse effects like other methods of treatment. It is useful in freeing one from disease, grief, worry and destroying a group of bad habits. It increases inner inspiration, extrasensory hearing, vision, strength and intelligence, rejuvenates the mind, gives peace and helps in meditation. Along with this, energy can also be sent from one place to another through resolution and symbols. Therefore, it is also called spiritual therapy.

History of Reiki Therapy

The knowledge of Reiki or energy flow presented by Dr. Usui was available to man in the beginning of creation. Great men either experienced it themselves through concentration of heart or received it from others. This is the repetition of this knowledge. This knowledge reached Japan from India via Tibet and China and Dr. Usui took initiation in this knowledge along with India Tibet journey and Buddhism. This knowledge spread in the journey from India to Japan. But its basic spirit is the same.
Although Dr. Watanova was the only one among the 19 disciples of Dr. Usui who had attained knowledge of the seven levels, Dr. Chujiro Hayasi became famous by establishing a Reiki hospital in Tokyo. After his death, his disciple Mrs. Hawayo Takata (Japanese American woman) imparted this knowledge to her 22 disciples and attained the next world. 
   At present, the two organizations 'Reiki Alliance' and the American International Reiki Organization and Marine O'Toole, Catanani and Pala Haren are its teachers. Reiki, that is, energy flow, is a form of divine power and consciousness. For its accomplishment, spiritual practice, concentration and continuous practice are required.
Friends, in old times when there was no medical system available, we used to depend on the blessings of great men. As soon as we went in front of any great man, we used to fold our hands. We welcome the guest with folded hands. The culture of joining hands is only in our country. The waves vibrate at the level of 8,000 cycles/second on the nadi mandal (nadi mandal) of the fingers of each palm. When we join the palms, the waves inside vibrate at 16,000 cycles/second. It immediately affects our brain, body and glands. The mind becomes calm. Good thoughts start coming and we accept everyone with respect. To get acceptance of anything, our mind has the ability of acceptance. It cannot be achieved by just thinking. As soon as we join hands, the effect of the power inside us starts working at 16,000 cycles/second.
   When we touch their feet after joining hands, then eight parts of the body, Agya Chakra, heart, Manipur Chakra, Swadhisthana Chakra, knees and both hands touch the earth. Then we touch the left foot with the left hand and the right foot with the right hand. Our left brain affects the right side. The right brain affects the left side. The right brain is of spiritual nature and the left brain works for thinking. Both waves are of different levels. If we touch the left foot with the right hand, then both brains will work against their nature. Great men gained a lot of power through penance. We can take that energy into our body through their toes. Some great men forbid touching their feet. They believe that this reduces their power.

Principles of Reiki Healing

Dear readers, the biggest challenge in the path of success is to get rid of negative energy or negative thoughts and adopt positive thoughts. For this, Dr. Usui has considered the mind to be the originator of negative thoughts. Five principles have been determined to remove them. The seeker should practice them daily. They should be repeated before sleeping. The day's activities should be observed. These should be included in the daily routine. These five principles are as follows--

Only today I will not be angry 

Friends, there should be no anger inside a person. Anger causes a lot of harm to a person. It makes a person's energy negative. It makes his thinking negative. Therefore, to practice avoiding anger, that person should think that I will not get angry today.

Just today I won't worry

A person should never worry. Worry is like a pyre. It does not allow blood to form inside a person and kills him while he is still alive.
 One should not waste the present by worrying about the future which has not yet come. Nothing can be done about the past. Worrying about it is also futile; man should live in the present.

 Only today I will express my gratitude to the Almighty

Whatever knowledge, respect, honour, fame, strength, wealth, prosperity I have today, I have acquired it through my family's hard work, intelligence, cleverness and senses. But it is God who controls it. I have no existence without him. Wherever I was helpless, hopeless, disappointed, he held my hand. Today I should express my gratitude to that supreme power.

 Only today I will do my work honestly

Friends, even after telling 100 lies to hide one lie, the conscience remains restless and tense. But by being honest and taking refuge in truth, a person is satisfied and peaceful and sleeps peacefully without any hesitation.

 Just today I will love and respect all living beings

If the consciousness of this consciousness is present in all human beings, animals, birds, trees, plants of this universe, then who is a stranger? Everyone is our own, we should love everyone. Everyone should be respected. Everyone is created by God. Therefore, there should be no discrimination of any kind between anyone.


Meat, alcohol, smoking, tobacco etc. intoxicants, spicy food fried in excess oil and spices should be avoided and simple, easily digestible nutritious food should be consumed. Maximum amount of water should be drunk. Drinking water should not be done during meals. Fresh fruits and vegetables should be consumed. Their juice should be used by mixing the juice of lemon, carrot etc. in the juice of fruits and raw vegetables. Due to this, new blood is formed in the body and foreign substances are removed from the body. Contaminants do not get accumulated in the body.

reiki healing method

Friends, before doing Reiki treatment, it is necessary to know how to collect Prana tatva in the body for treatment. For that, some sadhana exercises are done. Fasting is done for a few days and the practice of Pranayam is done repeatedly in the morning, afternoon and evening. By doing this, Prana tatva starts getting collected in the body.
Along with this, the sadhak has to do sadhana practise as well. For example, when the sun rises in the morning, we imagine that a golden beam of light like the sun is situated in the sky. The whole sky is illuminated. While exhaling, we imagine that the golden light is rotating and coming slowly on our head. With the speed of deep breathing, it is releasing violet light and entering the Sahasrar Chakra. With our deep breathing, it is slowly moving forward, coming to the Ajna Chakra, spreading green colour in the Vishuddhi Chakra, yellow colour in the Manipur Chakra, vermilion colour in the Swadhisthana Chakra and red colour in the Mooladhara Chakra, providing conscious awareness, love and prosperity.
Spreading both hands in a posture of offering flowers, you should invoke Reiki Shakti in the following manner before treating yourself. O God, Reiki Shakti, I want to be treated, please transmit your divine power in my body. Say this three times. After this, invoke the guidance guru. All the known and unknown Reiki guidance gurus, I am invoking you for Reiki treatment. Please cooperate in the treatment.

There are tiny chakras of 1 inch diameter deep in the middle of the palms and on the upper knuckles of the fingers. Concentrating on them, first activate the circles of the fingers of one hand in the circle of the palm of the other hand in the clockwise direction 7 times each, then the fingers of the other palm and the chakras of both the palms by rubbing them 21 times each. Now keep both the palms face to face at a distance of two feet. Slowly try to bring them closer and concentrate on the chakras only. If there is a feeling of slight vibration, tingling, sensitivity of tightness or tension etc. in the palms, then understand that the chakras have become activated. And proceed further towards the treatment, otherwise repeat the process again to awaken them.

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